Welkom op Ashley-Greene.nl, jouw nederlandstalige fansite over actrice Ashley Greene. Ze werd wereldwijd bekend werd door de van Alice Cullen in The Twilight Saga films. Op deze website vindt je al het laatste nieuws en foto’s en alle informatie die je maar wilt weten over haar! Zo vindt je informatie over Ashley zelf, stijl, haar films, tv series en andere projecten. Hopelijk vind je alles wat je zoekt en bezoek je de website gauw nog een keer!
augustus 4, 2021   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ‘Aftermath’ L.A. premiere   Aftermath, Appereances, Films

Ashley was gisteren samen met enkele collega’s aanwezig op de première van haar nieuwste film ‘Aftermath’ in L.A. Bekijk de film vanaf vandaag op Netflix! Het is voor het eerst in 8 maanden dat Ashley weer een event heeft, de covid-pandemie was hiervoor de voornaamste reden. Edit: Meer foto’s zijn toegevoegd!

Galerij Links:
http//: 03 augustus: ‘Aftermath’ L.A. Premiere

augustus 3, 2021   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Ashley is weer thuis   Films, Some Other Woman, The Retirement Plan

Ashley is afgelopen week weer thuis gekomen in L.A., de afgelopen 3 maanden was ze op de Cayman Eilanden voor de opnames van de films ‘ The Retirement Plan’ en ‘Some Other Woman’. De opnames van beide films vonden na elkaar plaats en zijn inmiddels voor Ashley afgerond.

augustus 3, 2021   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Screen Media Buys ‘One Shot,’ Action-Thriller That Unfolds in Single Continuous Take   Films, One Shot

Screen Media heeft de rechten voor Ashley’s film ‘One Shot’ gekocht voor Noord-Amerika. Het bedrijf heeft de planning om de film dit najaar uit te brengen in de bioscoop en op Video On-Demand.

Screen Media has acquired North American rights to James Nunn’s “One Shot,” a thriller about a team of trapped Navy SEALs that unfolds in real time.

The movie features martial arts star Scott Adkins, who previously worked with Nunn on “Eliminators,” “Tower Block,” and “Green Street 3.” The cast also includes Ashley Greene Khoury of The Twilight Saga fame and “Shooter” and “Cruel Intentions” star Ryan Phillippe. Screen Media will release the film theatrically and on video on-demand in late fall.

“I am delighted ‘One Shot’ has found such a tremendous home in Screen Media for its North American release,” said producer Marc Goldberg. “I know the Screen Media team will do a fantastic job with its release; the film is a nonstop action, thrill-a-second ride and will delight audiences in the USA.”

Discovery Chief David Zaslav: No ‘Pushback’ to WarnerMedia Transaction From Washington
“We know audiences are going to be blown away by the action that James and his cast and crew have captured here. It’s a relentless, visceral, and thrilling movie that we cannot wait to show off to fans,” said Screen Media.

Filmed, “Birdman” style, in a single continuous take, the aptly named “One Shot” follows an elite squad of Navy SEALs on a covert mission to transport a prisoner off a CIA black site island prison. They become trapped when insurgents attack in an effort to rescue the same prisoner. Led by Lieutenant Blake Harris (Adkins), the team, including Deputy Site Manager Tom Shields (Phillippe), must trust the secret intel of Junior Analyst Zoe Anderson (Greene Khoury) in order to deliver the prisoner and thwart a pending terrorist attack on Washington D.C.

Jamie Russell wrote the screenplay for the film, which is produced by Goldberg and Ben Jacques and executive produced by Sarah Gabriel, Seth Needle, Tamara Birkemoe, Conor McAdam, and David Nagelberg.

The deal was negotiated by Tamara Birkemoe, executive vice president, onternational, on behalf of Screen Media with Marc Goldberg of Signature Films on behalf of the filmmakers.

Screen Media’s recent releases include “Till Death” with Megan Fox, “The Birthday Cake starring Shiloh Fernandez, Lorraine Bracco, and Val Kilmer,” and the Nicolas Cage VOD hit “Willy’s Wonderland.”

augustus 3, 2021   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Ashley Greene, Shawn Ashmore’s ‘Aftermath’ Lands at Quiver for Digital   Aftermath, Films

Het bedrijf Quiver heeft de rechten van Ashley’s film ‘Aftermath’ gekocht en zal deze komende herfst ook digitaal en via Video On Demand uitgeven.

The Peter Winther-directed thriller will bow on Netflix on Aug. 4 before a fall release on digital and VOD.

The Winther brothers thriller Aftermath, starring Ashley Greene (Twilight) and Shawn Ashmore, has gone to Quiver Distribution for a home entertainment release.

Aftermath will debut worldwide on Netflix on Aug. 4, before Quiver releases the film on digital and VOD this fall. Directed by Peter Winther, the film is the first from Peter and Lars Winther’s newly launched Winther Brothers Entertainment and also stars Diana Hopper, Britt Baron, Sharif Atkins and Ross McCall.

Aftermath, based on an actual event, follows a young couple (Greene and Ashmore) looking to save their marriage when they discover an amazing deal on a home with a questionable history. Hoping the new home will give them a fresh start, they take the deal, but quickly find that their troubles have only just begun.

Winther developed the story for Aftermath with Dakota Gorman, who wrote the screenplay. The film was produced by Peter Winther, Lars Winther, James Andrew Felts and Rick Sasner.

Sasner’s River Run Entertainment and William G. Santor’s Productivity Media co-financed the picture along with Felts’ Motion Picture Exchange (MPX). The Quiver acquisition was negotiated by Larry Greenberg for Quiver and James Andrew Felts, CEO of Motion Picture Exchange (MPX), on behalf of the producers.

MPX represents the worldwide sales rights and is partnered with Mimi Steinbauer’s Radiant Films International for international sales.

augustus 3, 2021   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ‘Aftermath’ trailer   Aftermath, Films

Hierbij de trailer van Ashley’s nieuwste film ‘Aftermath’, vanaf morgen te streamen op Netflix..

juli 24, 2021   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Ashley gecast in de film ‘Some Other Woman’   Films, Some Other Woman

Ashley is gecast als Renata in de nieuwe film ‘Some Other Woman’, de psychologische thriller zal gaan over een een Eve Carver die door haar man’s werk op een tropische eiland terecht komt. Dit zou voor een paar maanden zijn maar de maanden worden jaren waardoor ze haar eigen dromen moet opgeven. Uiteindelijk komt de realiteit van alles bij haar binnen wanneer ze een vreemde vrouw (Greene) ontmoet die uiteindelijk haar leven overneemt, beetje bij beetje.

Ashley werkt opnieuw samen met Joel David Moore die de film zal regisseren, eerder waren ze samen te zien in CGBG’ en was hij de producer van een recent opgenomen film ‘The Immaculate Room’. Ook werkt ze weer samen met ‘Harry Potter’ acteur Tom Felton, met was ze samen te zien in ”The Apparition’. De opnames van de film zullen plaatsvinden op de Cayman eilanden, hier is Ashley momenteel al voor de opnames van ‘The Retirment Plan’. Mogelijk vinden de opnames na elkaar plaats?

Avatar actor Joel David Moore is set to direct and produce Some Other Woman, a film starring Amanda Crew (Silicon Valley), Tom Felton (Harry Potter) and Ashley Greene Khoury (Twilight franchise).

Crew, Felton and Khoury will appear alongside Brooke Lyons (Paradise City) and former NBA player Rick Fox (Greenleaf).

Some Other Woman is a psychological thriller following Eve Carver (Crew), a woman whisked away to a tropical island by her husband’s work for what was only supposed to be a few months. But as the months turn to years, Eve is forced to give up her own dreams as the island fever grows stronger and stronger. Reality begins to unravel around her as she encounters a strange woman (Greene) who begins taking over her life, piece by piece.

juli 11, 2021   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ‘Aftermath’ verschijnt 4 augustus op Netflix   Aftermath, Films

Netflix heeft de rechten gekocht van Ashley’s nieuwste film ‘Aftermath’ , op 4 augustus zal de film op Netflix verschijnen. En ook op Netflix Nederland!

juni 2, 2021   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Opnames ‘The Retirement Plan’ zijn begonnen   Films, The Retirement Plan

Ashley is enkele dagen geleden aangekomen op de Cayman Eilanden voor de opnames van ‘The Retirement Plan’, hoelang de opnames precies duren is niet bekend. Ashley heeft laten weten dat de opnames tot nu toe fantastisch zijn en dat ze op woensdag en donderdag vrij zijn. Op alle andere dagen van vrijdag-dinsdag moet ze wel werken.

mei 26, 2021   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Ashley gecast in nieuwe film ‘The Retirement Plan’   Films, The Retirement Plan

Ashley is gecast in een nieuwe film genaamd ‘The Retirement Plan’, andere rollen zijn o.a. voor acteur Nicolas Cage en Ron Perlman. Wanneer Ashley (Greene) en haar jonge dochter Sarah betrokken raken bij een criminele onderneming zijn ze hun leven niet meer zeker. Daardoor vraag Ashley hulp aan de enige persoon die haar kan helpen, haar vervreemde vader Matt (Cage) die momenteel van zijn pensioen geniet in de Cayman Eilanden. Hun reünie is vluchtig als ze al snel opgespoord zijn op het eiland door de criminele baas Donnie en zijn leutenant Bobo (Perlman). Wanneer Ashley, Sarah en Matt meer verstrengeld raken in het gevaarlijke criminele web komt Ashley erachter dat haar vader een geheim verleden is.

Ashley speelt dus één van de hoofdrollen in de film, opnames zullen plaatsvinden op de Cayman Eilanden zelf. Wanneer deze precies plaats vinden is nog onbekend.

Oscar winner Nicolas Cage (Con Air), Ron Perlman (Hellboy), Ashley Greene (Twilight), Oscar nominee Jackie Earle Haley (Lincoln), Joel David Moore (Avatar) and Grace Byers (Empire) are among cast set to star in action movie The Retirement Plan, which gets underway on Friday in the Cayman Islands.

Also starring are Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters), NBA star turned actor Rick Fox (Shameless), Emmy winner Lynn Whitfield (Madea’s Family Reunion) and 11-year-old newcomer Thalia Campbell.

The film is written and will be directed by Tim J. Brown, whose credits include Productivity Media’s upcoming Buckley’s Chance starring Bill Nighy and the horror-thriller The Cradle starring Lukas Haas.

In The Retirement Plan, when Ashley (Ashley Greene) and her young daughter Sarah (Thalia Campbell) get caught up in a criminal enterprise that puts their lives at risk, she turns to the only person who can help – her estranged father Matt (Nicolas Cage), currently living the life of a retired beach bum in the Cayman Islands. Their reunion is fleeting as they are soon tracked down on the island by crime boss Donnie (Jackie Earle Haley) and his lieutenant Bobo (Ron Perlman). As Ashley, Sarah and Matt become entangled in an increasingly dangerous web, Ashley quickly learns her father had a secret past that she knew nothing about and that there is more to her father than meets the eye.

‘The Baker’: Ron Perlman, Harvey Keitel, Elias Koteas, Joel David Moore & Emma Ho Underway On Action Film
Producers are William G. Santor, CEO of Productivity Media, and Nicholas Tabarrok, President of Darius Films, who have a multi-picture deal with the Cayman Islands local authorities. Also producint are Jason Jallet (Blue Iguana) and Doug Murray (The Immaculate Room).

John Hills and Andrew Chang-Sang, (who both EP’d Momentum Pictures’ Black Bear, Vertical Entertainment’s Four Good Days and Ethan Hawke and Noomi Rapace starrer Stockholm), serve as executive producers. World sales are co-repped by Joker Films and Radiant Films International.

Producer Santor said: “The global reach and legendary appeal of Nicolas, Ashley, Jackie, Joel, Grace, Ernie, Rick and Lynn as well as gifted newcomer Thalia, is spot-on for this exciting action movie. I am proud to say that we have managed to have a Ghost Rider, a Hellboy and a Rorschach in the same film together, with a Ghostbuster to keep the Ghost Rider in check! You can’t get better than that!!! And we continue to receive incredible support from the Cayman Islands Government as we start production on our third film.”

Producer Tabarrok added, “Having now successfully completed production on two films here in the Caymans, I’m excited and thrilled to start on the third under our three-picture deal. Tim’s script, and the appeal of working in a beautiful COVID-free paradise has attracted a phenomenal cast who I can’t wait to see bring this action-packed story to life.”

The Retirement Plan marks the third film produced under a three-picture production deal between Darius Films and Productivity Media shooting on the Islands. The first film, Blue Iguana is currently in post-production. The dark comedy stars Joel David Moore, Bob Saget, Jason Jones, Carly Chaikin, Mary Lynn Rajskub and Iggy Pop. The second film is The Baker, which just wrapped and stars Ron Perlman as a quiet man who gets pulled into a criminal underworld in order to avenge his son’s death by a crime boss played by Harvey Kietel.

mei 6, 2021   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Ashley in reclame voor NexGen Fitness   Diverse Projecten, Fotoshoots

Ashley is te zien in een nieuw reclamespot voor NexGen Fitness, samen met goede vriend Jarod Einsohn is ze bezig op een locatie van het bedrijf te openen in L.A.

I remember when I needed a partner for this venture, I needed someone strong. Someone that is a ball of light. Someone that loves working out(bc I never do 😂😂😂😂) and someone I trust. My first phone call was to Ashley Greene. I met Ashley when I was 21 and 16 years later we are now opening up businesses together. Thank you for saying yes Ash, and thank you to PK(ash’s husband), who happened to be my second call to own the business with me and instantly said yes as well! Dream team baby!!! We are under construction and NexGen Fitness will be opening in LA very soon. You get your own suite to work out in!!! No distractions. No lines. No noise. Just you and your trainer. You get to escape for an hour. You get to bleed blue. Let’s go!!!! We will be releasing commercials and announcements soon. For now, here is a little teaser! Thanks for all the love.

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