Het is bekend geworden dat Ashley aanwezig zal zijn op enkele fanconventies. Zo zal ze op 23 oktober 2021 aanwezig zijn op de Spirit of Halloweentown in St. Helens in de Amerikaanse staat Oregon. En ze is als eerste gast aangekondigd voor People Convention’s ‘Enternal Con‘ in Parijs (Frankrijk) op 27 & 28 november 2021!
De nieuwste instagramfoto’s van Ashley staan in de galerij!

Galerij Links:
http//: Instagram foto’s 2021
Ashley was afgelopen periode met vrienden op stap naar leuke uitjes en vakanties, enkele foto’s staan in de galerij.

Galerij Links:
http//: 28-29 augustus 2021: Verjaardagweekend van Shelby Bay met vrienden in Newport
http//: 13 september 2021: NFL Football wedstrijd met vrienden
http//: September 2021:Vakantie naar Los Cabos voor Paul’s verjaardag
Ashley heeft zo’n twee weken geleden het nieuws gedeeld dat zij en haar schoonzus Liv Khoury een bedrijf zijn gestart ‘Our Hummingway’. Ze hebben zo’n 1,5 jaar achter de schermen aan de lancering gewerkt, via het bedrijf willen ze meer informatie geven over het vrouwelijke voorplantingssysteem en hoe je ongemakken en problemen met bijv. de maandelijkse periode of hormoonhuishouding op natuurlijke op te lossen.
Klik hier voor de website of volg het instagram account.

This post – is an important one – perhaps the most important thing I’ve shared on social media thus far.
Two years ago there was a major shift in my body that caused my menstrual cycle symptoms to rear their ugly head in a way that was disruptive to my life. As much as I tried, I couldn’t regain control of what was happening to me, or figure out WHY everything was so out of whack. It was frustrating and embarrassing that as a 33 year-old woman, I felt lost when it came to my body.
Cut to many heart-to-heart sessions with my sister-in-law @livkhoury (who suffers from PMDD and similarly needed answers). That, and many late night web searches and book purchases in search of a better understanding of my reproductive system and natural ways to address my body. The more we learned, the more the search became less about just the two of us and more about supporting everyone who’s ever felt lost, confused and frustrated by the lack of knowledge out there provided to them about their bodies.
A year and a half ago: my sister-in-law and I embarked on a life-changing journey together, in the form of a company that would challenge our current systems and provide up-to-date, easy-to-understand information surrounding reproductive health. Our aim is to work tirelessly to also provide natural solutions for menstrual cycle symptoms and target the root cause of those symptoms – working towards hormonal harmony.
Today: I’m so excited to share that later this year, Olivia and I will have fully realized part one of our vision and will be launching Hummingway. I would love to see you all over at @ourhummingway to engage in the conversation and help us grow as a company and tackle issues that have remained in the dark for far too long.
Galerij Links:
http//: Our Hummingway
Ashley was eerder deze maand live met het bedrijf Beautycounter in samenwerking met Klarna op instagram. Bekijk het interview hier, foto en captures staan in de galerij.

This was a literal dream come true! I had such a blast with @beautycounter and @klarna.usa as we talked all things clean beauty and how to get that perfect everyday glow. It was all of my favorite things rolled into one :) If you missed it, tune in to watch the full routine on
Galerij Links:
http//: 13 September: Klarna x Beautycounter Live interview
http//: Screencaptures
Ashley was afgelopen maand nog op enkele events aanwezig, foto’s hiervan staan natuurlijk in de galerij.

Galerij Links:
http//: 12 Augustus: Megan Heaton’s Heat x Swingdish Collaboration Launch
http//: 24 Augustus: ‘Founders Hour’ Hosted by Shelby Bay and Ryan Rottmann
http//: 31 Augustus: Uniquely You x Nocking Point Wines Collaboration Party
Ashley heeft een interview gehad met HauteLiving over haar nieuwe film ‘Aftermath’, bij het artikel zitten enkele nieuwe stills van de film..

Galerij Links:
http//: Film Stills
Ashley Greene is best known for her role as vampire Alice Cullen in the Twilight saga franchise, but as dark as that part could have been perceived, it’s child’s play compared to her latest role. In her darkest role to date, in the newly launched Winther Brothers Entertainment’s Aftermath, Greene plays Natalie Dadich, who, in a last-ditch effort to save her marriage to Kevin (Shawn Ashmore), moves into a new home hoping to leave their tumultuous conflicts in the past. Newly designed with only one prior tenant, the place would be ideal, if not for the grisly murder-suicide that happened in the home. What should have been a fresh start for the couple quickly takes a disturbing turn as Natalie and Kevin find that their troubles have only just begun. The film definitely needs to be seen to be believed. Here, the 34-year-old actress dishes on her latest role as well as upcoming projects including The Immaculate Room opposite Emile Hirsch and Kate Bosworth and animated film Max & Me, among others.
Ashley GreenePhoto Credit: Mike Taing
Without giving too much away, what can you tell us about your character in your upcoming film, Aftermath, how she evolves throughout the film and why you decided to play her.
Natalie is an up and coming fashion designer, struggling to simultaneously make her dreams come true and keep her marriage alive. In an attempt to “start fresh” and rebuild their crumbling marriage, Natalie and Kevin move into a new home (made affordable due to its dark history) that ends up coming with baggage of its own. I liked that there was a real, grounded relationship at the heart of the story and chaos was introduced around that relationship. You want people to be scared, yes, but you also want people to care about what happens to your characters.In the film your character is desperately trying to save her marriage (to Shawn Ashmore) despite past and present forces coming between them. Do you think love is worth fighting for?
I 100% think love is worth fighting for. My husband and I are deeply in love, probably annoyingly so sometimes, but we recognize that we will always have to work at things and grow and evolve together. I think you constantly have to acknowledge that you and your partner are human, you’ll make mistakes, you’ll say dumb things, you’ll have frustrating traits but the love and respect you have for one another will always trump that if you’re willing to fight for it. The goal is to constantly better yourself and inspire and support your partner on their journey to better themselves.What do you hope fans will take away from the film?
I hope viewers will be able to relate to our characters on some level and go along on a thrilling ride with us. I’d be so interested to hear what their theories are halfway through the film.What were some of your favorite memories from the set? Any fun behind-the-scenes moments?
My most embarrassing moment was me trying to throw a ball at an angle through a doorway for my set dog. I was subpar at best, and we had about 3 more takes than we expected needing. It’s not my proudest moment. I really enjoyed working with Shawn throughout the film. He’s obviously talented, but also incredibly kind and calming.As an actress you have 12-15 hour work days at times which can be stressful. What do you do while on set to take care of yourself and stay sane?
Honestly, I hadn’t taken my mental health into account as much as I should have in the past. Only more recently have I begun to do a morning meditation, forced myself to say no to some invitations while working to ensure I get enough sleep, and spoken up about any difficulty or issues I’m facing. I’ve begun to put my mental health and my feelings first instead of trying to just handle it all. Post filming habits are equally as important. I just came off doing two films back to back and unapologetically told everyone around me that I was unavailable for the first week of being home. I thrive off being hyper-productive, and making others happy, so for me, this is a pretty big step.
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Ashley heeft een interview gehad met NewBeauty.com, de bijbehorende fotoshoot is door haar man Paul gefotografeerd.

Galerij Links:
http//: Paul Khoury (New Beauty.com)
“My mother always told me I’d love my 30s, and I finally understand what she meant.”
You may know Ashley Greene from that not-so-tiny role as vampire Alice Cullen in The Twilight Saga franchise (the five films broke box-office records with a cool $3.3 billion worldwide), and now the actress is stepping into the world of streaming movies with Netflix’s Aftermath, a inspired-by-true-events thriller that debuted last week to a whole bunch of “what to watch this weekend” lists. In between delivering some jump scares, the 34-year-old recently chatted with us about prepping for the heavy role, why skin care is so important to her, and the best beauty advice her mom gave her.
What did you do to prepare for your role in Aftermath?
I am a big believer in lots of preparation prior to shooting, so that process was the same for Aftermath as anything else. The biggest difference in the work that I did for Aftermath, versus other films, was that I had to allow myself to continuously be flooded by nefarious thoughts or scenarios and feed into my exhaustion. Instead of the generally positive outlook I have on life, I was constantly allowing the opposite to flood my brain. I try not to take work home with me, but this one was different, I needed to remind myself of what constant, true fear felt like in order to be on Natalie’s level. There were lots of dark circle– combating eye patches during the filming of Aftermath (thanks, Peter Thomas Roth).It seems like you are into beauty—what are some of your all-time favorite products?
I am indeed. Once I hit my 30s, I began to immediately see a difference in my skin if I neglected to hydrate it internally and externally, so there is a lot more focus on that. My beauty regime has certainly taken center stage. I love clean beauty brands that have limited but impactful ingredients. OSEA Hyaluronic Acid and Sea Cleanser, Beautycounter Vitamin C and #3 Balancing Oil are daily go-tos. Beautycounter also has a great overnight resurfacing peel I swear by. Ilia is my favorite clean beauty brand, their Super Serum Skin Tint SPF 40 is my favorite way to get daily SPF defense and a beautiful natural glow. Their cheek and lip products give a wonderful glow as well. Alastin Skincare isn’t a clean brand, but their restorative eye cream is worth it. Hourglass is another that is not a clean brand, but their concealer does incredible things for me.
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Screencaptures van Ashley nieuwste film ‘Aftermath’ staan in de galerij!

Galerij Links:
http//: Screencaptures