Welkom op Ashley-Greene.nl, jouw nederlandstalige fansite over actrice Ashley Greene. Ze werd wereldwijd bekend werd door de van Alice Cullen in The Twilight Saga films. Op deze website vindt je al het laatste nieuws en foto’s en alle informatie die je maar wilt weten over haar! Zo vindt je informatie over Ashley zelf, stijl, haar films, tv series en andere projecten. Hopelijk vind je alles wat je zoekt en bezoek je de website gauw nog een keer!
juni 14, 2014   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor GrindTV interview   Ashley Greene, interviews

Ashley heeft een interview gehad met grindtv.com over haar advies om het beste te herstellen van een 10km loop.

Actress Ashley Greene might be running her first 10k this weekend (the Oakley NYMini) in Central Park, but she’s no stranger to working up a sweat. In fact, when we asked Greene to weigh in on how she handles recovery after a hard training session, she gamely identified two key components: stretching and hydration.

Greene describers herself as “competitive and stubborn,” with an “I can do anything” attitude when it comes to fitness. But when it came to fighting regular pain and stiffness in her quad, due in part to an unfortunate femur break when she was 12 that created scar tissue, Greene, with the advice of her trainer, mandated regular stretching and the use of a roller. “Not stretching causes injuries and strain,” Greene says. “Pain and frustration are great motivators.” Three of Greene’s favorite post-workout stretches are aimed at areas that need the extra attention: opening her hip flexors and groin, her quads, and her calves. And as for that roller, the actress adds, “The roller is my best friend. It’s painful, but it guarantees that I’ll sleep better if I use it right before bed.”

Prior to race day, Greene knows to avoid foods that can dehydrate her, like asparagus, which the actress loves. “I’m a huge water advocate, but taking in too much water is actually a negative,” says Greene, who regularly keeps hydrated with coconut water and electrolyte drinks like Gatorade. On race day, her plan is to take advantage of the aid stations, keeping her thirst quenched as she runs.

Because having a good recovery plan is vital to an athlete’s success post-race, we connected with Kim Mueller, a full-time registered dietitian and board-certified specialist in sports dietetics (she does not work with Greene), and asked her to weigh in on some best practices for an active recovery. This is what she shared.

juni 13, 2014   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Interview met Shape Magazine   Ashley Greene, interviews

Ashley heeft een interview gehad met Shape Magazine. Hier praatte ze over de de 10 km loop die ze dit weekend zal gaan lopen met het merk Oakley, geheimen van de ‘Twilight’ set en enkele gezonde tips.

From competing in martial arts to playing blood-sucking (and butt-kicking) Alice Cullen in the Twilight series, Ashley Greene has always stayed in fighting shape. And somewhere in between filming for the highly anticipated filmWish I Was Here, she’s been training for the Oakley New York Mini 10K tomorrow. We caught up with the star for the scoop on her favorite workouts, the toughest part about training for a race, and which of her Twilight costars would win in a squat competition.

Have you been active your whole life?
My brother and I were a year and a half apart and super close, which was why I was so tomboyish and athletic—I wanted to be like him! We grew up on a dirt road [in Jacksonville, FL], so we were always outside climbing trees and running around. When he got into martial arts, I did too and really loved it. I also did competitive cheer and dance, swim team, dive team, and played volleyball for a year. And I surfed and played watersports. I tested everything out. Being active was ingrained in my DNA from my family. We had an hour of TV a day, and the rest of the time we had to go outside and entertain ourselves.

How did you get in such great shape to play Alice Cullen?
For me, it’s always a variety. I get bored easily doing the same repetitive things. We did circuit training at a gym while filming Twilight. We formed friendly competitions between the girls—who could do the most squats, or who could run the quickest mile. It put us in great shape and in a great place mentally.

Shape: Who would win?
We ended up having different winners in different areas. I think I ran the fastest mile, but Nikki Reed did the most squats.

Which three foods you always keep in your kitchen?
I always have fresh chicken—I would say fish, but it’s hard to cook!—some type of nuts, like almonds or cashews, and a medley of vegetables. If you fill your plate with veggies like asparagus or yams.

Are there any guilty pleasures you can’t live without? When I want something sweet, I love Zico Chocolate Coconut Water—it’s an awesome substitute to quench your thirst and sweet tooth without being really bad for you. I also always have dark chocolate. My vices are usually salty though—I’m more of a savory than sweet person. I always have pickles in my refrigerator, which are not the best thing before a photoshoot because of the sodium. And Cheez-Its are very rarely in my house because I know I’ll eat the entire box!

As a Florida girl, what are your top beauty secrets for the summer?
Absolutely sunscreen. I always keep a bottle in my car—you don’t even realize how much sun you get just from driving around. And of course, water, water, water—it really does wonderful things to your body and your skin.

This weekend, you’re running the Oakley New York Mini 10K in Central Park. What was the hardest part of training for it?
I’m not really a runner, so I’ve been running outside on a track and on a treadmill, and doing workouts to strengthen my hips, glutes, balance and overall core. I think learning how to re-program my body has been difficult. My knees would always start to hurt when I’d start running, so I had to learn how to start using my glutes more. I’ve never run a 10K before, so we’ll see how it goes! For me, it’s more about the experience and the camaraderie with women.

juni 11, 2014   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Galerij weer geupdate   Appereances, TV & Web series, Website

Vandaag ben ik druk bezig geweest met het updaten van de fotogalerij, zo staan nu alle foto’s van Ashley’s appereances van 2010 en haar rollen in televisieseries online!

juni 10, 2014   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ‘Wish I Was Here’ in premiere op Sydney Film Festival   Films, Wish I Was Here

Zach Braff heeft via het onderstaande bericht dat zijn film ‘Wish I Was Here’ zal in premier gaan aanstaande weekend tijdens het Sydney Film Festival. Ashley heeft hierin een rol. Daarnaast zal de film vanaf 11 september te zien zijn in de Australische bioscopen.

Hello to all Backers Down Under!

I am thrilled to announce that we have an Australian Release Date for the film. WISH I WAS HERE will reach Australian Cinemas on September 11th, 2014!

And, we have one more surprise for backers who are in the Sydney area. Check out the video here for details:

Yes, that’s right, our film is having its Australian premiere at Sydney Film Festival this Saturday, June 14th at 9:35pm at State Theater in Sydney and we have five pairs of tickets to give away to backers in the Sydney area!

To enter for tickets click here and tell us, in 25 words or less, a place you daydream about. Our Australian distribution team at Transmission Films will pick their five favorite answers to choose the winners that will join them on Saturday night. The winning answers will be tweeted out from @transmission.

You have until tomorrow, Wednesday June 11th at 5pm AEST to enter! And be sure to follow Transmission Films on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with all the news about our movie’s release in Australia.


Lots of Love,

PS. For those of you in other countries around the world, lots more news coming about the rest of our International Release Dates and Advance Screenings. Stay tuned!

juni 6, 2014   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor STK Los Angeles 6th Anniversary Party   Appereances, Fotoshoots

Ashley was samen met vriend Paul Khoury aanwezig op de STK Los Angeles 6th Anniversary Party bij STK in Los Angeles. Op het event was ook een photobooth aanwezig waarvan enkele outtakes met Ashley in de galerij staan.

Galerij Links:
http//: 04 Juni: STK Los Angeles 6th Anniversary Party
http//: STK Photo Booth

juni 2, 2014   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Vakantie   Website

I.v.m. mijn vakantie zullen er tot 6 juni geen nieuwe nieuwsberichten, foto’s ect. op de website plaats worden.

juni 2, 2014   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nieuwe Sundance Film Festival portraits   Fotoshoots

Er zijn enkele nieuwe outtakes verschenen van portretsessie die Ashley begin dit jaar had op het 2014 Sundance Film Festival waar ze haar nieuwste film ‘Wish I Was Here’ aan het promoten was. Hopelijk heb ik ze snel vervangen voor untagged versies.

Galerij Links:
http//: 2014 Sundance Film Festival – Entertainment Weekly Portraits
http//: 2014 Sundance Film Festival – Instyle Portraits
http//: 2014 Sundance Film Festival – LA Times Portraits

juni 2, 2014   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ‘Wish I Was Here’ stills   Wish I Was Here

De eerste filmsstills van Ashley’s nieuwste film ‘Wish I Was Here’ zijn verschenen.

Galerij Links:
http//: Film Stills

mei 31, 2014   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ‘Twilight’ Stijlguides   Films, Stijlguides, Twilight

Ik heb vandaag de stijlguides van Ashley’s outfits in de film ‘Twilight’ uit 2008 toegevoegd.

Pagina Links:
http//: Stijl > ‘Twilight’ saga *

mei 30, 2014   Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Eerste stijlguides weer online   Fotoshoots, Stijlguides

De eerste stijlguides van Ashley staan weer online! Je kan nu alles vinden over Ashley’s outfits en accessoires van haar fotoshoots uit 2014. Ik probeer zo snel mogelijk ook alle andere stijlguides weer online te hebben.

Pagina Links:
http//: Stijl > Photoshoots 2014