Ik heb de laatste foto’s van Ashley’s Instagramaccount toegevoegd in de galerij. Waaronder enkele foto’s van Halloween, waar Ashley verkleed ging als de rode koningin uit Alice in Wonderland.

Galerij Links:
http//: Instagram foto’s 2014
De eerste outtake van de Oakley Woman Herfst collectie voor 2014 is verschenen!

Galerij Links:
http//: Oakley Women Fall 2014 Campaign
Ashley was afgelopen week aanwezig op de Yoana Baraschi’s GEMS Symposium in NYC. GEM staat voor Girls Educational Mentoring Services, een organisatie die zich inzet voor vrouwen die betrokken zijn geraakt bij seksuele uitbuiting en handel.

Galerij Links:
http//: 03 November: Yoana Baraschi’s GEMS Symposium
Ashley was afgelopen maandag aanwezig op de 11th Annual CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Awards in NYC

Galerij Links:
http//: 03 November: 11th Annual CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Awards
Ashley wordt aangeklaagd door de manager van haar voormalige appartementencomplex waar vorig jaar brand uit brak. Deze brandde volledig uit en Marlo één van Ashley honden overleefde de vuurzee niet. Volgens de manager zijn tijdens schoonmaak werkzaamheden een basepijp voor het inhaleren van drugs gevonden en is dit de oorzaak voor de brand. Eerder werd Ashley al aangeklaagd door vier medebewoners voor het incident. Edit: Inmiddels zijn er ook berichten verschenen dat het bovenstaande valse aanklachten zijn richting Ashley en dat er geen basepijp is gevonden in het onderzoek naar de brand in haar appartement.
Ashley Greene’s former building manager claims a crack pipe was found at the scene after her West Hollywood apartment was destroyed by a fire in March last year.
Adrian Mayorga, who is suing the Twilight star for alleged permanent respiratory damage, said in a sworn deposition that one of the men who had helped with the cleanup told him he had found a glass crack pipe in the unit, according to TMZ.Greene, her boyfriend at the time – alleged to be actor Ryan Phillippe – and her brother were reportedly sleeping in the apartment on March 22 when an unattended candle set a living room couch ablaze.
Sworn declaration: Ashley Greene’s former building manager claims a crack pipe was found at the scene after her West Hollywood apartment was destroyed by a fire in March last year, the star pictured last month in ItalySworn declaration: Ashley Greene’s former building manager claims a crack pipe was found at the scene after her West Hollywood apartment was destroyed by a fire in March last year, the star pictured last month in Italy
Tragedy: Greene, Ryan Phillippe and her brother were reportedly sleeping in the apartment on March 22 when an unattended candle set a living room couch ablazeThe blaze tore through Green’s entire apartment and killed one of her two fox terrier dogs.
Mayorga said in his deposition, obtained by TMZ, that he was the first person in the hallway after the fire broke out, and claimed he saw Greene and her companions looking ‘disoriented’ as they fled the apartment.
He added: ‘The only people I saw getting treated was Ashley Greene, her brother Joe Green, and her – the current boyfriend, Ryan Phillippe.’Fire casualty: Greene holding her dog Theo and left, her other fox terrier Marlo. Only one of the animals survived the blaze, although it is not clear which one
But sources tell TMZ that Phillippe submitted a sworn declaration to Greene’s lawyer this week insisting he wasn’t in the apartment when the fire broke out and had in fact never even visited the unit.
Mayorga claimed in court documents filed last year that he was hurt while running through smoky hallways of the apartment building yelling for residents to flee.
He alleged that he suffered exhaustion, dehydration and smoke inhalation and also was hospitalised, according to TMZ.
Greene also has been sued by four residents in neighbouring units who claim the fire caused soot and water damage.
Sources also tell the website that actor Ryan Phillippe – Greene’s alleged boyfriend at the time – has denied claims he was present the night of the fire, the actor pictured earlier this month in NYCSources also tell the website that actor Ryan Phillippe – Greene’s alleged boyfriend at the time – has denied claims he was present the night of the fire, the actor pictured earlier this month in NYC
Meanwhile, the apartment was finally sold in July for $1.1 million following some serious renovations costing $303,000, according to TMZ.TMZ reports that the building HOA’s insurance covered a complete remodel of the 1,800 sq ft apartment to help shift it, although by law the new residents had to be made aware of the incident
Ashley is afgelopen zaterdag aanwezig op de Saturday Night Spectacular Hosted By Jenny McCarthy in Dallas.

Galerij Links:
http//: 18 Oktober: Saturday Night Spectacular Hosted By Jenny McCarthy, Dallas
Er is een alternatieve versie verschenen van de Women’s Health cover van November!
Galerij Links:
http//: November 2014: Woman’s Healht (VS)
Ik heb screencaptures toegevoegd van Ashley’s laatst verschenen film ‘Wish I Was Here’.

Galerij Links:
http//: Screencaptures
Er is een nieuwe ‘Burying The Ex’ Press Junket verschenen van Ashley op het Venice Film Festival. Captures van alle press junkets van de film staat in de galerij.
Galerij Links:
http//: Captures
Ashley is afgelopen dinsdag gespot op de set van haar nieuwe film ‘Urge’ in Manhattan, NYC

Galerij Links:
http//: Op de set – 14 oktober 2014