Ashley is begin deze week aangekomen in de Amerikaanse staat Arkansas voor de opnames van haar nieuwste film ‘Antiquities’. Ze poste net als co-ster Viancy Elena enkele foto’s van de set op hun instagramaccount.
Galerij Links:
http//: Instagram foto’s 2016
http//: Viancy Elena’s instagram
Joe Jonas heeft in een interview uitgelegd waarom hij vertelde dat hij enige jaren geleden ontmaagd zou zijn door Ashley.
“Life’s too short, you know? I mean ultimately, I think of myself as an honest guy. There are just those moments in life where you have to be true to yourself and true to the world. I’m not out to hurt anybody, but I think, ultimately, I’m just telling my stories and what I can say from my heart.”
Ashley is volgens de website gecast in de nieuwe film ‘Antiquities’ in de rol van Ellie. In de film speelt ze samen met actrice Mary Steenbergen die rollen had in o.a. de serie ‘Orange is The New Black’ en ‘Joan of Arcadia’. Opnames van de film zouden op 16 oktober beginnen, het plot van de film is alsvolgt:
After his father’s unexpected death, a young man (WALT) moves to his dad’s hometown in order to learn more about who his father was. Walt decides to stay with his awkward aunt and her family, whose denial makes his search nearly impossible. He accepts a job in a local antique mall where his boss quickly offers him the possibility of a management position; however, BLUNDALE, a mean-spirited co-worker, isn’t pleased by his new competition and proceeds to sabotage any chance Walt has. Walt then meets ELLIE, an eccentric and crude free-spirit who still manages to be irresistibly charming. He finds himself completely enamored, though hesitant to pursue a relationship with her because of a secret that only he knows. Walt ends up not only finding out who his father really was, but learns more about himself than he ever thought possible.
Ashley’s ex Joe Jonas sprak openhartig met de website over zijn relatie met Ashley’s, zo onthulde hij dat hij voor het eerst met haar naar bed ging. Het stel had een relatie van 2010 – 2011.
On losing his virginity to actress and model Ashley Greene:
I lost my virginity to this girl named Ashley. You can probably just Google it. It’s pretty easy to figure out. I dated a girl named Ashley, so just Google it to figure out which Ashley that is. It’s quite the great story because I didn’t have any condoms, so I went to our drummer, Jack’s room, who was my roommate at the time and I demolished his room looking for them. Found them underneath his underwear drawer. When he came home, he thought somebody broke into his room because his whole room was demolished because I was in dire need. Needed to happen then and now. Safety first, kids.
Ashley poste enige tijd nadat de onthulling van Joe in de media verscheen de onderstaande foto op haar instagramaccount, wat volgens verschillende website’s een reactie van haar zou zijn op Joe’s openbaring over hun relatie.
Ashley was enkele dagen geleden aanwezig op de ‘Voyage Of Time: The IMAX Experience’ Premiere in L.A.
Galerij Links:
http//: 28 September: ‘Voyage Of Time: The IMAX Experience’ L.A. Premiere
Er zijn nog meer outtakes verschenen van de portretsessie van Ashley voor de The Hollywood Reporter op de 73rd Venice Film Festival is verschenen.
Galerij Links:
http//: Fabrizio Maltese (The Hollywood Reporter)
De nieuw verschenen trailer bevat een kleine scene met Ashley.
Shangri-La Suite – Trailer Premiere from Bow and Arrow on Vimeo.
Er zijn nog meer portretsessie van Ashley op de 73rd Venice Film Festival is verschenen.
Galerij Links:
http//: Fabrizio Maltese (The Hollywood Reporter)
http//: Riccardo Ghilardi
Ashley’s eerste portretsessie op de 73rd Venice Film Festival is verschenen. Voor de Italiaanse Rolling Stone werd ze gefotografeerd door Fabrizio Cestari.
Galerij Links:
http//: Fabrizio Cestari (Rolling Stone Italia)