De nieuwste instagramfoto’s van Ashley staan online, de afgelopen weken deelde ze o.a. foto’s van haar citytrip naar NYC met vriendinnen en bracht ze tijd door met peetkind Nico.

Galerij Links:
http//: Social Media
Ashley laat in een bericht op twitter weten dat ze hoopt dat haar familie en vrienden in Florida veilig zijn voor de gevolgen van orkaan Irma. Deze zal in enkele dagen de Amerikaanse staat bereiken, Ashley is geboren en getogen in de staat en groeide op in de stad in Jacksonville.
Sending love and well wishes to all my friends and family back home in Florida. Be prepared and stay safe! #hurricaneirma
— Ashley Greene (@AshleyMGreene) 6 september 2017
Ashley laat op twitter weten geld te hebben gedoneerd aan Save the Children en JJ Watts Foundation om de mensen in Houston, Texas te helpen na de verwoestende orkaan Harvey.
After researching options, I've made donations to @SavetheChildren & @JJWatt Foundation relief efforts. I've RT'd ways to donate if you can.
— Ashley Greene (@AshleyMGreene) 27 augustus 2017
@AshleyMGreene Thanks for your support of the children impacted by #HurricaneHarvey. Everyone can donate here: https://t.co/j7U2LgPsfC
— Save the Children US (@SavetheChildren) 28 augustus 2017

Ashley laatst verschenen film ‘In Dubious Battle’ waarin ze een kleine rol had verschijnt op 20 september op DVD in Nederland! Hij is nu al te bestellen via Bol.com voor €9,99.
Ashley was afgelopen donderdag samen met Paul aanwezig op bij het concert van Ed Sheeran in het Hyde Staples Center in L.A. Voorafgaand bezocht ze een prive event gehost door Sandals Resorts .

Galerij Links:
http//: 10 augustus: Sandals Resorts Hosts Private Event At Hyde Staples Center For Ed Sheeran Concert
I.v.m. een vakantie zullen er tot midden augustus geen updates geplaatst worden op de website.
Ashley sprak tijdens het afgelopen event met de pers over haar aanstaande huwelijk. Hier laat ze weten er nog niet zo mee bezig te zijn, en geen haast heeft om te trouwen. Wel wordt ze door haar moeder aangespoord wordt om te beginnen met plannen. Onlangs vierde ze dat ze 4 jaar samen was met verloofde Paul.
Ashley Greene isn’t following the rules when it comes to planning her wedding.
The 30-year-old actress tells PEOPLE she feels no pressure to rush to the aisle with her fiancé, Paul Khoury, revealing that she has yet to set a date or a pick a venue.
“I’m probably the most untraditional bride,” she says, laughing. “We’re at the age where a lot of our friends are getting married, and many of them are stressed out. That’s just not how I want to enter into our union. So, for us, we’re enjoying the honeymoon engagement stage.”
Greene, who was speaking on Saturday at the SIMPLY Los Angeles Fashion + Beauty Conference at The Grove in Los Angeles, says that just because she’s not in a rush, doesn’t mean her mom hasn’t been reminding her to get planning.
“My mom and his mom are like, ‘So, where’s the dress? Where are the bridesmaids? Where are you going to get married?’ and I’m like, ‘Chill. Slow your roll.’ We’re going to do it when it’s right,” she says. “My mom did remind me that wedding venues book up two years in advance.”
Greene says she wants a fun and relaxed wedding, without the restrictions of conformity.
“I just want it to be fun for everyone involved versus it being this really strict wedding,” she admits. “Thankfully, both of our mothers are very understanding and respectful of my process.”
When it comes to finding the perfect wedding dress, Greene says she thinks that might take a little time.
“My wedding dress is going to be difficult because I’ve gone towards more simplicity, but I like detail,” she says. “I’m working on finding the perfect mix. I’ve tried on so many party gowns, how do you compete with that? But, when I see it, I think I’ll know.”
As for her guest list, the Twilight actress is definitely thinking about inviting some of her costars.
“They were such a huge part of my life for such a long time,” she says. “I think that’s also going to be depending on whether it’s going to be an intimate wedding.”
Ashley was eerder gisteren aanwezig op de SIMPLY Los Angeles Fashion + Beauty Conference Powered by NYLON in winkelcentrum The Grove in L.A.

Galerij Links:
http//: 15 juli: SIMPLY Los Angeles Fashion + Beauty Conference Powered by NYLON
Zoals beloofd heb ik nog meer foto’s toegevoegd van Ashley op de premiere van de film “Baby Driver” met verloofde Paul aanwezig in Los Angeles afgelopen maand. Zo’n 100+ nieuwe foto’s staan in de galerij.

Galerij Links:
http//: 14 juni: “Baby Driver” Los Angeles Premiere