Ashley was vorige week aanwezig bij een ‘Stonger by Zumba’ workout in L.A., foto’s hiervan staan in de galerij. Met website Parade.com had ze een interview over waarom ze zo’n fan is van deze workout! Klik op meer om deze te lezen.

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http//: 20 januari: ‘STRONG by Zumba’ high-intensity workout class
Ashley Greene is in amazing shape these days. But the Bombshell actress puts in the work, logging hours in the gym, going for hikes with her pups, and doing workout classes from her hotel room whenever she’s on the road. Her latest obsession? STRONG by Zumba, a group exercise class that combines cardio, plyometric training, body weight and muscle conditioning. Greene reveals that it will kick your butt—literally—joking that she’s currently working on building a stronger backside herself, which makes her newfound exercise routine right up her alley. Parade.com caught up with Greene to hear about how HIIT workouts have helped her to get into the best shape of her life, what foods she currently can’t stop eating and which artists she has on her current gym playlist.
Your body does tend to plateau if you do one thing for fitness for too long. And I find that it’s inevitable that you’re going to get bored if you’re doing the same exact workout every single day, so I try to mix it up. I started doing CorePower Yoga a lot because I feel like I’m getting all these little aches and pains if I’m not paying attention to stretching. I like high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and for that I do STRONG by Zumba, which is right up my alley. I don’t generally go into the classes, but I download them. There’s a 60-minute one, there’s a 20-minute and there are some shorter ones too. And it’s impossible for me to get a butt, but they have one geared towards that so I’ve started doing that one.
What I love about HIIT is the fact that you can use your own body weight, which really works for me versus trying to lift a thousand pounds. Whenever I work out with my body weight, I find that I can track how strong I’m becoming and I’m able to do things later in the week that I maybe wasn’t able to in the beginning of the week. So for me, that’s just a really fun thing to be able to track. Most women want to build that long lean muscle versus the bulky muscle that you can get from just lifting weights. So STRONG by Zumba is my online go-to. I’m more sore when I do those videos than I am a lot of other things I do.Staying on track
I like working out with a trainer so that I can specifically target things and learn new moves. I also like to know that I’m doing things correctly in the gym. But then I think there’s something very fun about going to the classes with friends. It’s nice to hold each other accountable. I also try and take my dogs once a week on this four-mile hike. It’s pretty intense and it usually wears them out for the week. I’ve learned that for my body mixing things up is where I find that zone where I’m in the best shape of my life.The perfect workout playlist
I’m one of those girls who if my phone is dead and I don’t have music, I will not go to the gym! I think it gives your mind a place to go and you can focus on the beats instead of how much pain you’re in or how much you’re feeling the burn. I have a lot of Halsey on repeat. I love a good strong female anthem. A long time ago I made a playlist with a lot of different Maroon 5 songs on it and I still go back to that. I have Panic at the Disco on there. A lot of it is songs that have a lot of strong messages or that are about overcoming obstacles. I also have Lil Wayne on there. I’ve been a huge Lil Wayne fan for a long time so “Fireman” is on there for sure. At the gym, I’m a little more shy and I try and focus on breathing. But in my head I am definitely belting out the music (laughs).Plant-based for 2020
I started focusing on eating more plant-based and it’s going very well. And my husband (Paul Khoury) is for the most part, on board. It’s hard when you’re living with people who are not on it with you, but he kind of jumped on it. I really love it. I think everyone needs to listen to their own body and I don’t believe that there’s a specific diet that’s going to be all that for everyone. But for me and my body, this seems to be working. I do find that I don’t feel as heavy. I feel like everything’s a bit more fluid with me. I sleep better. When I wake up, I have more energy. It’s going well and I think it’s something that I will try and stick to. I will say I don’t know that I can ever give up eggs. I do egg whites most of the time and I have to have fish in my diet, but everything else is going pretty well. Everything in moderation, I think.Friendly household competition
Every morning I wake up and I say, “Are you going to the gym today? Cause I am (laughs)!” If he’s not feeling into it, that will inspire him to go and vice versa. That competitive nature definitely kicks in. But you gotta listen to your body and there are days when you need to take a break. I did something to my shoulder about a year ago and now if I push too hard, it starts really bothering me. So I’ve had to step back and take a day off if I need a day off versus trying to push through. I think that was a very athlete mentality almost. And I’m at a point in my life where I’m like, “OK, listen, you’re not on the field. You can relax and take a breather if your body is telling you to.”Nightly review
My husband and I started doing this thing where before we go to bed every night we write down five things that we’ve noticed about ourselves that we’d like to work on and then five things that we’ve noticed that we’re proud of with ourselves. So for me, a really nice way to end the day is to go, “OK, I’m going to hold myself accountable for these things but I’m also really proud of myself for these things.”