Ashley was de afgelopen periode aanwezig op enkele panel als spreker voor haar bedrijf “Our Hummingway”. Daarnaast

Galerij Links:
http//: 16 maart: Giddy’s How Far We’ve Come panel discussion
http//: 08 juni: The Virtue Project: How Celebrities Are Driving Impact Through Social Entrepreneurship
http//: 25 juni: Create & Cultivate Hosts LA Conference
Onverwachts verschijnt er ineens een trailer van een film van Ashley samen met acteur Bruce Willis, die naar mijn weten niet eerder aangekondigd was. In de film ‘The Wrong Place’ speelt ze de dochter van Bruce Willis. De film zal vanaf 15 juli in enkele bioscopen en op Video On Demand verschijnen in Amerika. Edit: De eerste poster en stills staan in de galerij.

Frank, een voormalige politiechef, werkt als beveiliger in een kleine stad. Als hij getuige is van een misdaad, wordt Frank achtervolgd door drugsbaron Jake, die hem het zwijgen wil opleggen. Als de crimineel Frank probeert te raken door diens dochter Chloe te bedreigen, begaat hij een grote fout en krijgt hij meer te verduren dan hij had verwacht.
Hier alle recente afleveringen van de podcast The Twilight Effect, gasten de afgelopen periode waren o.a. Michael Welch, Nikki Reed en Jackson Rathbone.
Ashley heeft een fotoshoot door Suki Smith gehad om moedersdag te promoten voor OurHummingway.

Galerij Links:
http//: Suki Smith
Preparing for motherhood: entering into the land unknown, by Ashley Greene Khoury
Our co-founder Ashley Greene Khoury reveals her journey to pregnancy, her emotions and body literacy as she prepares for motherhood.Everything I’ve done up until this point has prepared me for what’s to come.
The last time I wrote an article for Hummingway, it was to share my experience of transitioning off hormonal birth control. This time, I am writing about the even bigger transition that will take me into motherhood. I went into this pregnancy with the clear understanding that my experience will be unique to me, and that it’s ok that I’ll be learning as I go.I’ve really tried to avoid comparing myself to others in any fashion throughout this pregnancy and have leaned heavily on my doctor to give me the peace of mind that all is progressing the way it should. So, before I dive into my pregnancy experience, please keep in mind that each of our experiences will likely differ in numerous ways, and that’s ok.
Perhaps it’s the extra hormones (potentially leading to an increase in uterine blood flow) produced during pregnancy, or perhaps it just hasn’t all hit me yet – but so far I’ve taken my pregnancy day by day – with little anxiety. Yes, I have an occasional doubt or fear, but mostly I have a mix of excitement, calm and an uncertainty (one that I’ve accepted) about what the future holds. My main focus has been on keeping myself healthy, both mentally and physically, through nutrition, fitness and meditation, so that I feel centered enough to accept the rapid changes happening currently and those to come in the future. I think my biggest hurdle to face so far has been accepting the fact that my work life will have to make way for something – someone – more important. I love working, it really brings me joy, so this adjustment has thrown me off a bit. Although I’m fully aware that this will be the least of my worries come the fourth trimester.
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Ashley was gisteren samen met Paul aanwezig op de The 5th Annual Best Buddies’ Celebration Of Mothers in L.A.

Galerij Links:
http//: 07 mei: The 5th Annual Best Buddies’ Celebration Of Mothers
Ashley was afgelopen week aanwezig op de InpulseX Fully Immersive NFT Event in L.A.

Galerij Links:
http//: 05 mei: InpulseX Fully Immersive NFT Event
Er zijn nieuwe foto’s verschenen van Ashley op de Desperate ApeWives NFTLA After Party begin april. Hiermee verscheen ze ook in een artikel van UsWeekly.

Galerij Links:
http//: 01 april: Desperate ApeWives NFTLA After Party
http//: mei 2022: Us Weekly (VS)