Ashley promoot het roeiapparaat van Hydrow, zo maakte ze vanuit huis samen met schoonzus Liv een reclame en doet ze zelf een givaway voor fans.

⭐️GIVEAWAY ⭐️ @hydrow_by_crew ⭐️ Im SO excited for this one! We’re doing a @hydrow_by_crew giveaway!! Here’s how you enter/qualify:
1. Follow myself and @hydrow_by_crew
2. Repost my video or photo with #hydrowathome
3. Comment below one GOAL you’re setting for yourself and one thing you’re proud of about yourself. Could be for the day, month or year. It’s so Important to acknowledge the things we need to work on AND the things we’ve accomplished/are proud of.
3. Tag 2 or more friends
4. Love yourself ❤️ We will choose a winner Monday! #giveaway #hydrowathome #selflove #health #fitness
Galerij Links:
http//: Hydrow
http//: Screencaptures