Ashley’s collega Emilie DeRavin in de nooit uitgezonden pilotserie ‘Americana’ heeft enkele setfoto’s gedeeld op haar Instagram. Opnames vonden in 2012 plaats is New York, maar helaas werd de serie nooit opgepakt door zender ABC.
Throwback to filming ‘Americana’ in NYC with the lovely & beautiful @ashleygreene And directed by my Uber talented genius, & fellow Aussie, friend @noycephillip So many awesome & talented peeps on this job, & I miss all of you! (You to NYC!❤️🍎) Sadly our pilot didn’t get picked up, but it was such a fun, vibrant & special time none the less! And filming in Manhattan is always a blast!💖
P.S. caption for the last pic?! 🤪#tbt @tiffanyhines @davidalpay @therealanthonylapaglia @annabeth_gish @nataliemendozaofficial @mseitzman @abcnetwork
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